Playing One Piece card game
Get ready for an exhilarating series of video tutorials on playing One Piece Cards! Perfect for beginners or those aiming to enhance their gameplay, these videos are your ultimate guide. They’ll walk you through every part of the game, from the start to advanced tactics for victory.
Each video tutorial is designed for clarity and fun, simplifying the game’s intricacies, various card types, and rules. Learn about different cards and strategies for success with ease. We’re here to support you at every turn.
So, gather your cards and plunge into the enthralling world of One Piece TCG. Embrace the journey of strategy, imagination, and the excitement of competition. Let’s start this epic adventure together!
If you are looking for One Piece cards, either to play or to add to your collection, make sure to check out our selection of the products.
Note: Videos are made and owned by Bandai company.


What is the One Piece Card Game

Battle Preparation

Victory Conditions

Your Turn Flow

Summoning Character Cards

Attacking on Main Phase

Attaching Don!! Card to a Leader or Character Card

Blocker effect

Trigger effect

Character Card`s Counter effect